Four foods that must be eaten in spring + ways to maximize their nutritional value!

It's easy to eat spring onions in winter and spring

As the saying goes: "Eat onions often, people are relaxed", we improved it, "Eat onions are easy in winter and spring."

Winter and spring refers to a period of time immediately after the beginning of spring. Although it has already begun at this time, because the cold and cold air of winter has not yet dissipated, the hot and hot air of spring nature cannot rise smoothly. Human beings are connected with heaven and earth. At this time, human yang is also in a state of ascending but difficult to ascend. Onion Xin Wen published Tongyang, which can be consumed at this time, can help Yang Qi rise, so we say "easy to eat onions in winter and spring."

In fact, in the late winter and early spring, the spring onion is the most nutritious of the year, and it is also the most tender, fragrant and delicious time.

Shallots contain a variety of nutrients, including protein, sugars, carotene, vitamin B2, vitamin C, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron, which are rich in nutrients. People eat shallots or use chives as a seasoning, which not only increases nutrition but also promotes appetite.

At the turn of winter and spring, bacterial viruses are actively breeding. Bacteria poisoning or infectious diseases will occur if you pay little attention, and the incidence of colds will be high. Some gastrointestinal diseases such as stomach problems, chronic diarrhea, and joint pain will also become serious.

The spicy odor of onion comes from a kind of volatile oil, which can kill a variety of bacteria such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, dysentery bacillus, tuberculosis, etc., especially for dysentery bacillus and skin fungi. For onion garlic fungicide.

Eating more onions at this time can prevent seasonal morbidity, epidemics, or improve the condition. Studies have found that people who regularly eat shallots have a low probability of developing hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, and hypertension. Studies have also shown that onion has the effect of enhancing fibrinogen dissolution. Therefore, it can also reduce and avoid the formation of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular thrombosis.

2Live health vegetables first leek


In the spring, the yang is conditioned by hair growth, but the climate is different in the early spring. At this time, it is necessary to protect the warm yang to promote its development, so you should eat more warm food. Leek is a good product for Yang Yang. At this time, the quality of the chives is just the best. The leaves are like jade, the roots are like white jade, crisp and tender, and the fragrance is full of fragrance. It can be said that the good health vegetables in the early spring are the leek.

Leek was called "Qiyangcao" in the ancient times. It has a warm taste and has the effects of warming the kidney-yang, solidifying the essence, stopping qi and activating blood, and appetizing in the middle. Li Shizhen praised chives as "the most beneficial of the dishes." Spring health is focused on nourishing the liver and yang. At this time, eating more leek can warm the yang, regulate the liver, and enhance the digestive and absorption functions of the spleen and stomach.

Leeks also have another name commonly known as "intestines". Spring is when all kinds of germs begin to reproduce actively, and the influence of bacteria on the human body cannot be ignored. Eating chives at this time can not only help the formation of feces, improve the self-purification ability of the stomach, but also kill some bacteria. This is because the sulphide contained in chives, which forms the unique spicy flavor of chives, has a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect and helps the body improve its immune system. Leeks also contain more cellulose, which contains 1.5 per 100 grams of chives. Grams of cellulose, which contains more crude fibers, can chew the muscles when eating, can improve gastrointestinal digestion, promote gastrointestinal motility, promote defecation, increase fecal volume, change intestinal flora, and dilute feces after entering the gastrointestinal tract Carcinogens in the carcass and reduce the contact of carcinogens with the intestinal mucosa, which makes the stomach clean.

Recommended match

If chives are matched with pork foods rich in vitamin B1, it is a more nutritious way to eat;

The taste of pork liver and leek is relatively consistent, and leek can suppress and eliminate the fishy smell of pork liver. Therefore, fried pork liver with leek is an ideal and nutritious dish;

Leek with pig blood is also a good way to eat. Because pig blood is rich in iron, organic iron is easily absorbed by the human body. The two are used together to provide good blood replenishment;

Leek and wolfberry fried prawns have synergistic effects on liver and kidney function;

However, sulfides are volatile when exposed to heat, and they are prone to spoil after being left for a long time. Therefore, leek should be eaten fresh, and overnight leek should not be eaten. Cook the chives in an emergency and quickly fry them. If they are over-cooked, they will lose the leek flavor.

Not overdose

Although leek has many benefits for the human body, it is not more beneficial.

"Looking at leeks is dim, especially when drinking."

                              ----- "Compendium of Materia Medica"

Yin deficiency and internal heat, body sores, regular spleen and stomach heat, hypersexual function are not suitable for consumption. Leek has more crude fiber, which is difficult to digest and absorb, so you ca n’t eat too much leek at one time, otherwise a large amount of crude fiber stimulates the intestinal wall and often causes diarrhea. It is best to control it at 100-200 grams, not more than 400 grams.

3 garlic for disease prevention

health benefits

The garlic is spicy and warm to the spleen, stomach, and lung meridians. It has detoxification, swelling, cold, dampness, and insecticidal effects. Modern research shows that garlic is rich in volatile oils, which can inhibit and kill a variety of bacteria, protozoa and microorganisms.

Garlic has a killing effect on various pathogenic bacteria such as staphylococcus, streptococcus pneumoniae, diphtheria, paratyphoid, and tubercle bacillus. It is still sensitive to garlic and other antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including Escherichia coli and dysentery bacteria are particularly obvious, and even garlic has a killing effect on influenza viruses and herpes viruses. Therefore, eating raw garlic can prevent a variety of spring-prone diseases such as influenza and bacterial enteritis.

Modern pharmacological research has confirmed that garlic has the "righting" effect of traditional Chinese medicine, that is, it can make people right, full of energy, and strong immunity. Experiments have shown that garlic oil can increase the number of neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes in the body, improve immune function, and increase the weight of immune organs such as the thymus and spleen.

Recommended eating

Because garlic smells fragrant and the volatile substances are easy to volatilize, it should not be cooked at high temperature for too long to prevent the loss of volatile oil. When garlic is stir-fried in oil at high temperature, many of its active ingredients will be lost.

Eating raw garlic is afraid of spicy, you can mash raw garlic into garlic, add a little vinegar, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, make a thin paste with water, mix noodles, tomato ketchup, cold dishes.

To avoid oral odor after eating garlic, chew some tea leaves and the garlic flavor will disappear quickly.

Attention taboo

Garlic taste is mild and warm. If you have "stomach heat" or "yin deficiency and hotness", it is not used. Some people have red tongue, prone to mouth sores, dry tongue, etc., it is not suitable to eat garlic. Excessive consumption of raw garlic will damage the stomach yin, and even damage the stomach wall due to hot irritation, causing people to feel a burning sensation in the stomach, stomach pain, and vomiting, causing acute gastritis. Longer time will also cause vitamin B2 deficiency, and form angular inflammation, Dermatitis such as glossitis.

Attention must be paid to the following points for raw garlic:

Do not eat raw food on an empty stomach or drink hot soup or tea after eating;

Eat less every other day, limited to 2 to 3 flaps at a time. Those with liver, kidney and bladder problems should avoid eating garlic during treatment;

Heart disease and habitual constipation should pay attention to eat less, not with honey.

4 eat bamboo shoots with caution

Although the bamboo shoots are delicious, we must remind everyone to be careful when eating bamboo shoots. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that spring bamboo shoots have a cold and sweet taste, are smooth and smooth, and consume energy, and cause chronic diseases. Therefore, caution should be taken when eating bamboo shoots in the following situations:

Spleen deficiency, intestinal slippery, diarrhea, old and weak, indigestion are not suitable for eating;

People with chronic diseases are more debilitated, and eating bamboo shoots consumes more gas, which leads to aggravation of qi deficiency, which can easily lead to aggravation of the disease. It has also been clinically found that eating bamboo shoots can easily cause cough, leading to hemoptysis and recurrence of asthma;

Bamboo shoots also contain more crude cellulose, which may be a causative factor for patients with gastrointestinal diseases and patients with liver cirrhosis, which may easily cause gastric bleeding and liver disease.

Bamboo shoots can also cause aggravation of allergies. Excessive consumption can easily cause asthma, allergic rhinitis, dermatitis and other diseases. Spring is already prone to allergies. For people with food allergies, it is necessary to be careful;

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