14 nutritious breakfast porridge, best for winter! Good choice for children to nouris

In the dry season of autumn and winter, children are suitable to eat foods with soup and water, which are not only good for digestion and absorption, dispel cold and warm up, but also have the effect of nourishing and moisturizing.

May wish to cook a bowl of delicious and nutritious porridge for your child! The porridge contains both staple food and various meats and vegetables. The taste is delicious, which is definitely the best choice for children to nourish themselves in autumn and winter.

01 Blood and brain: Xiaomi red date porridge

Efficacy: Jujube and millet have high nutritional value, and boiled porridge can nourish qi and nourish blood, clear heat and dehumidify, nourish the stomach and strengthen the spleen, soothe the nerves and strengthen the brain. It is especially suitable for children who are weak, have poor sleep, and have anemia.

Material: millet, red dates, brown sugar.

Method: Soak the millet for 30 minutes after washing; wash, pit, and cut small pieces of red dates; put the prepared millet and red dates into a pot, pour an appropriate amount of water, and turn to low heat and cook slowly for 1 hour; When the porridge is cooked until it is sticky, use a spoon to stir it constantly to avoid mashing the pan; add a little brown sugar and melt into the porridge 10 minutes before leaving the pan.

02 Liver eyesight: spinach pork liver porridge

Efficacy: iron and blood, nourishing the liver and eyesight, consumption by young children, can prevent anemia, night blindness, can also promote human metabolism, which is conducive to growth and development. However, pork liver has a high cholesterol content, and it should not be consumed more than once a week at most.

Ingredients: pork liver, spinach, rice, salt.

Method: Wash the rice thoroughly, soak it in water for 30 minutes; cut into thin slices of pork liver and soak in cold water to remove blood water; wash and chop spinach for later use; put the soaked rice in a pot and boil it with water to cook into porridge; Add pork liver and spinach and cook until the pork liver is cooked thoroughly, add a little salt to season, and turn off the heat.

03 Bupi and Diarrhea: Yam Lean Congee

Efficacy: Nourish the spleen and kidney, promote digestion, gather sweat and stop diarrhea. It is very suitable for children with weak constitution, indigestion and easy diarrhea. It is also a very effective autumn diarrhea food supplement.

Materials: Iron bars, yam, pork, rice, salt.

Method: Wash the rice and put it in water for 30 minutes; wash the pork and cut into small pieces; yam peeled, washed and cut into small pieces for later use;

Put the soaked rice into the pot and boil it with water to cook into porridge, then add yam chunks and minced pork and cook until the yam and pork are cooked thoroughly; finally add a little salt to season and then turn off the heat.

04 Cold and cold: light white rice porridge

Efficacy: Scattering colds and replenishing stomachs, suitable for children with cold and cold.

Ingredients: light white, ginger, rice, sugar.

Method: Remove the onion skin, rinse it, and cut into sections; wash, peel, and slice ginger; rinse the rice, soak it in cold water for half an hour; pour the rice into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, add the onion after the fire is boiling Duan, ginger slices; then use low heat to cook porridge; add a little sugar before seasoning, and serve.

05 Nourishing Yin and Dryness: Egg Vegetable Congee

Efficacy: Nourishing lungs and nourishing blood, nourishing yin and moistening dryness, nourishing spleen and stomach, and promoting digestion. It is a very nutritious fast-hand breakfast porridge, which is very suitable for malnourished children.

Ingredients: rice, eggs, vegetables, salt.

Method: Wash the rice, put it into a pot and cook it into a porridge; stir and break the eggs in a bowl, slowly pour into the porridge, stir while cooking; add chopped greens and cook for 3 ~ 5 minutes, bring it to the pot Season with just the right amount of salt.

06 Appetizers and stagnation: Chenpi rice porridge

Efficacy: Regulating Qi and strengthening the spleen, appetizing and stagnation, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, it is suitable for children with indigestion and loss of appetite.

Material: Chenpi, rice.

Method: Wash the rinds and cut the filaments; rinse the rice, pour into the pot, add the rinds and an appropriate amount of water, and boil it into a gruel.

07 Physical Fitness: Carrot and Beef Porridge

Efficacy: Tonic and strengthen health, strengthen bones and bones, eliminate edema, and dehumidify. It is a good supplement to promote children's growth and development, improve disease resistance and immunity.

Ingredients: beef, carrots, rice, salt.

Method: Wash and peel the carrots and cut into minced pieces; soak the beef in water for 20 minutes, then chop into minced meat; wash the rice into a casserole, boil with high water and boil, turn to low heat and cook; wait for the porridge When it is thick, add carrots and beef, boil over high heat, and simmer for 15 minutes on low heat; add a little salt before seasoning.

08 eyesight zinc supplement: pumpkin polenta

Efficacy: Buzhong Yiqi, calcium and zinc, eyesight protection, very suitable for children with excessive eyes or eyestrain for a long time.

Ingredients: pumpkin, sweet corn, rice (or millet).

Method: Wash, peel, and cut small pieces of pumpkin; Wash the corn, peel off the corn kernels for later use; soak the rice (or millet) for half an hour, pour it into the pot and add an appropriate amount of water to boil; add the pumpkin Turn the pieces and corn kernels over low heat and cook for 45 minutes; cook the porridge until it is thick.

09 heat and blood: red bean peanut porridge

Efficacy: It is rich in protein, trace elements and B vitamins, and has the functions of clearing heat, nourishing the stomach, and nourishing blood, especially suitable for children.

Ingredients: red beans, peanuts, rice, rock sugar.

Method: Wash the red beans and peanut kernels and soak them in cold water to soften them; wash the rice thoroughly and soak them in cold water for half an hour; add water to the pot, add the red beans, peanut kernels, and rice, and boil over high heat, then use low heat Slowly cook until porridge; add a little rock sugar before seasoning.

10 calcium supplements: seafood porridge

Efficacy: Enhance calcium, various trace elements, appetizing, fresh and attractive. An appetite child can stimulate their appetite with the deliciousness of these two kinds of fresh food.

Ingredients: 2 small remote posts + one dried oyster.

Method: Cut the oysters into small pieces and boil the ingredients until soft and delicious. Then add noodles or rice. If your baby is one year old, you can fish out the soft rotten poles and chop them up, put them in, and eat them together. Oysters just eat it.

11 Appetizing and Healthy Food: West Lake Beef Porridge

Efficacy: Enhance calcium, iron, (animal and plant) protein. Appetizing.

Ingredients: lean beef + half of tofu

Method: Minced beef, seasoned with salt and a small amount of oyster sauce. Cut tofu into small pieces of about 0.5 * 0.5. When the rotten rice or porridge is almost ready, add the beef and tofu together and cook for a while. Both beef and tofu are extremely easy to cook. Finally, season with sesame oil, beef is rich in animal protein, and tofu is rich in plant protein. The two are very good together. It's even more tempting to beat in an egg yolk.

12 Yifeizhike: Chinese yam and wolfberry porridge

Efficacy: Yifeizhike: yam contains saponin and mucus, which can nourish the respiratory system, so it has the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing the lungs and curing lung deficiency, phlegm and cough.

Ingredients: yam + wolfberry

Method: Wash the rice and yam, put them in the pot, cook the porridge, add wolfberry and cook for 1-2 minutes.

13Improving Physical Deficiency: Black Sesame Porridge

Efficacy: Improve physical weakness: Black sesame is rich in biotin, which can improve physical resistance, improve physical weakness and premature aging. It is very suitable for thin children to eat regularly.

Ingredients: black sesame, rice

Method: After washing the black sesame and rice, put water in the pot, after boiling, add an appropriate amount of sugar.

14Improving memory: longan lotus seed porridge

Efficacy: Improve memory: Experimental studies have found that longan lotus seed porridge is beneficial to the whole body, and is also particularly beneficial to brain cells, which can enhance memory and eliminate fatigue.

Ingredients: longan, lotus seeds, sugar, rice

Method: Soak the lotus seeds in water for 10 minutes, then add sugar and boil for about 20 minutes. Peel the longan and add for another 3-5 minutes.

下一条:Four foods that must be eaten in spring + ways to maximize their nutritional value!