The list of fruit nutritional value in 2019, it ranked first

I don't know if everyone found it

This year's fruit is especially expensive!

Many netizens sigh:

I can't even afford the fruit now

To spend the least money

Supplement for maximum fruit nutrition

Sister Pinpin did this fruit value survey

Quickly see what fruits must be eaten

Nutrition Fruit Ranking


Grape: Compensation, Heart Protection |

After another month or so, the grapes mature. Grapes have a lot of sugar. A mature grape can have a sugar content of 10% -30%, mainly glucose. Glucose can help replenish the body's functions. Eat grapes when you are tired, and your energy will soon recover.

At the same time, the flavonoids in grapes can "wash" the blood and prevent the formation of cholesterol. It has a certain effect on preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis. Sister Pinpin quietly told you that the darker the grape surface, the more flavonoids it contains, the better the heart's protective effect.


Grapefruit: Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases |

Grapefruit can also be called grapefruit. Although it is more common in autumn and winter, if you have to eat fruit, Pinpin has to mention it because it works so well.

Grapefruit is very high in vitamins, and similar to grapes, it also has a lot of antioxidant elements, which have beauty effects. But at the same time, grapefruit also contains unique limonin, this element is a very good substance to prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.


Cherry: Blood Replenishment |

Red chubby cherries and a mouth-watering aroma are the most must-see fruits this season. In fact, cherry not only has a delicate taste, it is also a fruit-to-blood champion

Cherries contain a large amount of iron, and even the highest content of various fruits. Iron is an essential element for the synthesis of human hemoglobin, so eating cherry regularly can promote the regeneration of hemoglobin and prevent anemia. If you don't look good, you can eat more cherry ~


Melon: Vitamin Supplements |

Right now, it's the season when a lot of melon is on the market. The price of melon is relatively cheaper.

Melons are high in vitamin A and vitamin C, making them ideal for vitamin supplements. In addition, a large amount of carbohydrates also make this melon an essential choice for quenching thirst and relieving heat in summer.


Blueberries: eye protection, anti-aging |

Blueberries were once called one of the five healthiest fruits by the International Food and Agriculture Organization. Although the price is slightly more expensive, its nutrition is really good value!

Blueberries contain many anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are pure natural anti-aging nutritional supplements. They are the most effective anti-aging bioactive agents found by humans. And not only the content of anthocyanins in blueberries is very high, but also the variety is very rich, it can be said to be the best "anti-aging fruit".

In addition, the anthocyanins in blueberries also have the effect of activating the retina, strengthening vision, and preventing eye fatigue. Therefore, often eating blueberries can also prevent myopia and improve vision.


Bananas: lower blood pressure, help digestion |

Banana is a fruit often eaten by many people, the price is relatively moderate, and banana is really worth eating!

The content of potassium in bananas is very high, and potassium has an inhibitory effect on the body's sodium, and sodium can cause blood pressure to rise. So eating more bananas can lower blood pressure and prevent heart tube disease.

At the same time, bananas are also rich in pectin, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, help digestion, and adjust gastrointestinal functions. People who are prone to constipation may wish to eat more bananas, the effect is very good, but be sure to choose ripe bananas.


Apricot: Preventing Cancer |

Apricot is also the fruit of the current season. The price of apricots is not expensive. Taken together, it is a relatively good evaluation.

Apricots are good because apricots are the most abundant fruit with vitamin B17, and vitamin B17 is an extremely effective anti-cancer substance. Regular consumption of apricots can improve immune function and prevent cancer.

However, although apricots are good, you should not eat more, otherwise you may have allergic reactions.


Apple: Reinforcing the brain and nourishing blood, whitening skin tone |

The number one apple is the apple, which has always been the title of "wisdom fruit" and "memory fruit". Because apple is rich in vitamins and minerals and other essential nutrients for the brain, and its zinc content is higher than other fruits.

Zinc is a key element in growth and development. It is also closely related to human antibodies and human immunity. Therefore, eating apples often is very helpful for brain development and can also improve memory.

In addition, apples are also rich in malic acid, which can help whiten the skin. So eating an apple every day will quietly become beautiful.

Fruit nutrition recommendations

Although all fruits are beneficial to the human body, the trace elements in each fruit are different, and the benefits to the human body are also very different. So for certain benefits, which fruit should be the best supplement?

Vitamin C: Improve immunity

| Apples, Kiwis |

Vitamin C can participate in the synthesis of collagen, promote the absorption and utilization of trace elements such as calcium, iron, and folic acid, and improve the body's immunity. Vitamin C is the most basic essential element of the human body.

Although many fruits contain vitamin C, the highest content, Pinpin recommends apple and kiwi. The content of these two fruits is much higher than other fruits. If you want to supplement Vitamin C, you can eat more.

Dietary Fiber: Helps Digestion

| Banana, Pear |

Dietary fiber can stimulate intestinal peristalsis and increase the volume of intestinal contents. If you are constantly constipated, you need to increase the intake of dietary fiber.

With high dietary fiber content and high cost performance, Pinpin recommends banana and pear fruits. Affordable, if you want to lose weight in summer, you may wish to eat more of them.

Carotene: Protects eyesight

| Cantaloupe and Mango |

Carotene can participate in the formation of retinal visual pigment, so the intake of carotene is related to human vision.

There are many fruits that contain carrots, such as papaya, watermelon, jujube, etc. Pinpin recommends two types of fruits, cantaloupe and mango, because the season is now and the price is relatively moderate.


| Peach, Strawberry |

It is often heard that pregnant women need supplemental folic acid. In fact, folic acid is a vitamin that can help treat anemia. Folic acid is particularly important for pregnant women, and eating it daily can prevent fetal neural tube defects.

Fruits that contain folic acid, such as strawberries, cherries, kiwis, bananas, etc., Pinpin recommends peaches and strawberries, because they are in season and the price is more affordable.

The fruit has doubled this year

Although fruit freedom is a bit difficult

But in the most affordable way

Obtaining maximum nutritional value is still feasible

Finally, Sister Pinpin wants to ask everyone

Fruit prices have risen

How does it affect your life?

上一条:Four foods that must be eaten in spring + ways to maximize their nutritional value! 下一条:Is the nutritive value of wolfberry inferior to strawberry?